Sunday, December 7, 2008

The little things about this time of year

Today after the little one got up from her nap we decorated our Christmas tree. My daughter is two years old so this year she was finally a year when she could help. I inherited some of the ornaments from when I was little and my family decorated our tree each year, so I couldn't help but think if any of the ornaments that we were hanging would end up on a tree when she grows up and has a family. That moment seems so far away but these last two years have flown by so fast I think it will be here before my wife and I know it.
On another note, my daughter is afraid of Santa Claus. Sometimes we forget this fact. When she was acting up today we told her that Santa only gives presents to good little girls. Then we ask her "Don't you want Santa to come and give you presents?" Immediately she says "Nooooo...." and then starts to cry and runs to me. It was quite funny because it was not the response we expected her to have. She'll grow out of this I'm sure just like when she was afraid of when people sang the "Happy Birthday Song" but for now it will be one of those things we'll have to keep in mind over the next few weeks so that we don't get that reaction again.
Tomorrow we are celebrating my brother-in-law's 24th birthday so I'll let you all know how that goes.

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